In the News

Lancaster City Council News Release: £2million to support communities and businesses through coronavirus crisis

By |2020-03-30T15:07:03+01:00March 25th, 2020|Categories: In the News, Coronavirus|Tags: |

Lancaster City Council has allocated £2million in emergency funding to support the district’s most vulnerable people and struggling local businesses. City councillors agreed the funding last night (Wednesday March 18) as part of a package of measures to assist communities through the current public health emergency. The funding will be allocated from the council’s reserves. Councillors [...]

COVID-19: support for businesses

By |2020-03-30T15:07:48+01:00March 25th, 2020|Categories: In the News, Coronavirus|Tags: |

The Chancellor has set out a package of temporary, timely and targeted measures to support public services, people and businesses through this period of disruption caused by COVID-19. This includes a package of measures to support businesses including: a statutory sick pay relief package for SMEs a Business Rate Relief for small businesses and pubs small business grant [...]

Morecambe BID launches Food & Drink Trail

By |2020-03-25T12:25:21+00:00March 25th, 2020|Categories: In the News|

Morecambe Business Improvement District (BID) has launched its first food and drink trail to highlight the variety of foods and beverages that Morecambe has to offer visitors and residents alike. The Morecambe Beer, Wine & Food Trail takes you on a journey through Morecambe’s pubs, bars,  restaurants, and cafes. From real ale bars, great, quirky [...]

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