Birds and Ecology of Morecambe Bay

Welcome to the enchanting world of Morecambe Bay, a haven for birdwatchers, nature enthusiasts, and everyone who appreciates the beauty and diversity of our natural world. This unique coastal ecosystem is home to an impressive array of bird species and wildlife, making it a site of significant ecological importance.

 A Bird-Watcher’s Paradise

Morecambe Bay is a sanctuary for over 240,000 birds each year. Between March and July, rare and declining beach-nesting bird species such as ringed plover, oystercatcher, little tern, and arctic tern lay their eggs on the shores.

In addition, Morecambe Bay is a vital stopover point for migrating birds such as curlews and oystercatchers, offering them a place to rest and refuel before continuing their journey. The knot, a holarctic species of wader breeding on tundra in the far north, also finds a wintering habitat in Morecambe Bay.

Starlings, waxwings, bitterns, greylag geese, and marsh harriers are among other avian visitors you can expect to see.

The Unique Ecology of Morecambe Bay

Morecambe Bay is the largest continuous intertidal area in the UK, fed by five major rivers – the Leven, Kent, Keer, Lune, and Wyre. This vast area of intertidal sands exposed at low tide creates an ideal habitat for a diverse range of flora and fauna.

Some species found here are so rare that Morecambe Bay is one of only a few places, or the only place, where you can see them, including Lancastrian whitebeam and Walney geranium6.

The Importance of Conservation

Morecambe Bay’s ecological richness makes it crucial to conservation efforts. Unfortunately, the bird population supported by Morecambe Bay is in decline, highlighting the urgent need for preservation efforts.

The Morecambe Bay Partnership works collaboratively with the community on projects ranging from bird protection to beach clean-ups, all aimed at preserving this precious natural resource8.

Witness the Magic of Morecambe Bay

Whether you’re a seasoned birdwatcher or a first-time visitor, Morecambe Bay offers an unforgettable experience. The sight of flocks of waders and wildfowl that overwinter here, the sound of the Time and Tide Bell tolling with the ebb and flow of the tide, and the knowledge that you’re standing in a site of incredible ecological importance make every visit to Morecambe Bay a unique adventure.

Come, explore, and immerse yourself in the breath-taking beauty and magic of Morecambe Bay.

Listen to the narrative by Julia Haworth here.